William A. Goddard third a professor in Caltech with red beret

William Andrew Goddard III

Goddard joined the chemistry faculty in November 1964, where he is now Charles and Mary Ferkel Professor of Chemistry, Materials Science, and Applied Physics and Director of the Materials and Process Simulation Center (MSC).

The goal of the Goddard and MSC research has been and continues to be

  • developing methods sufficiently accurate that the need for experimental validation can be severely restricted to the predicted best systems and
  • sufficiently efficient that they can be applied to realistic models of systems with millions of atoms (now often referred to as materials genomics).

This required improving new QM methods (X3LYP cited 934 times), particularly for nonbond or van der Waals interactions (XYGJ-OS) and for predicting band gaps (B3PW) and new methods for FF both generic (DREIDING for nonmetallic cited 6718 times and UFF for the whole periodic table cited 9699 times)and reactive FF that match QM for chemical reactions of large scale reactive systems up to millions of atoms (ReaxFF cited 5159 times and the new RexPoN). These descriptions use hierarchical approaches (multiscale, multiparadigm) to couple between the electronic states of QM and molecular dynamics of macroscale reactive systems, enabling first-principles based accuracy of realistic systems (millions of atoms, nanosecond time scales).

Based on talks given at symposia at Caltech (March 22, 2014), Hong Kong University (November 7, 2014) and at Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, (April 27, 2016), Springer in 2021 issued volume 284 of the Springer Series in Materials science that contained about 40 chapters by current and former collaborators, graduate students, and postdocs plus 29 chapters written by Goddard (in January 2018) summarizing his view of their accomplishments in various areas of methods, surfaces and interfaces, catalysis, polymers, biosystems, and pharma. These chapters can be downloaded without charge.

Book | Computational Materials, Chemistry, and Biochemistry: From Bold Initiatives to the Last Mile

Published 2021 (volume 284 of the Springer Series in Materials science)

Downloaded over 108,000 times (cited 21 times)

Based on talks at symposia in honor of William A. Goddard’s Contributions to Science and Engineering (timed for Goddard’s 77 th birthday) at Caltech on March 22, 2014 and organized by Guanhua Chen at Hong Kong university November 7, 2014 and organized by Prof. Wei-Qiao Deng at Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, on April 27, 2016

Editors: Sadasivan Shankar, Richard Muller, Thom Dunning, Guan Hua Chen

Table of ContentsGo
Part I. MethodsGo
Part II. Bulk Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces, NonomaterialsGo
Part III. Chemistry, CatalysisGo
Part IV. Biological Materials, Devices, PolymersGo
Part V. Methods SumGo
Part VI. Bulk Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces, Nanomaterials SumGo
Part VII. Chemistry, Catalysis SumGo
Part VIII. Biological Materials, Devices, Polymers SumGo